Posted on by Future Neenah240 E Wisconsin Ave
Neenah, WI 54956
“There is still time to register your team for the inaugural Friends of the Neenah Public Library Spellapalooza, a community-wide spelling bee for all ages July 20, at 6:00 p.m.
Are you a stickler for proper spelling, an alphabet enthusiast, or simply a really good speller? Be a honey and help The Friends of the Neenah Public Library raise funds towards the purchase of a “smart board” for the Library’s Aylward Meeting Room. Form a knockout team with your brightest and best friends, family, and co-workers. Teams can be made up of two to four individuals; costumes and team names encouraged. Entry fee is $100.00 per team. Register by Wednesday, July 6 to ensure a spot in the spelling bee.
Not the best speller but still want a spot in the action to cheer on your favorite team and support the Friends of the Neenah Public Library? Spectators welcome; admission is $1.00 per person. Refreshments will be served.”