A Swing by Neenah Running, biking, skating, walking, learning, thinking, exploring, imagining; these are universal activities. Neenah, Wisconsin, is home to a wide variety of parks and walking trails, but it is important to also discuss the trails right outside your front door, also known as your neighborhood. My neighborhood is fortunate enough to host… read more
Tuesday, 10/17/17 the joint N-M Councils approved the contractor quote for 2 trestle bridge construction to Pheifer Brothers! From WHBY’s “Fresh Take” with Josh Dukelow… October 13, 2017 12:02 pm After years of rallying the community, raising funds, and working with local leaders, Future Neenah is excited to see the Loop the Little Lake trail… read more
A Walk In The Clouds The sunrise… the beginning of something amazing and wonderful, it represents opportunity and commerce. It’s this first thing that I see this morning and I decide to enjoy it. To begin my sunrise morning walk around the block, I slip on my sneakers and make my way downstairs. As my… read more