A Virtuous Volunteer “I’m trying to do as much good for as many people as I can,” proclaims John Bellmore of Neenah. John is a regular volunteer at Washington Early Learning Center in Neenah. Washington ELC is the home to UW Oshkosh Head Start program and 4K classrooms. At Washington, he assists in classrooms,… read more
Future Neenah celebrates the outstanding partnerships that helped us achieve community success in 2017. Neenah, WI- Future Neenah recognized the following individuals and businesses that, through partnerships, made serving as Neenah’s quality of life organization a pleasure in 2017. These honorees have hearts for community service and a love of Neenah. Corporate Citizen of the… read more
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Lucky To Be Where We Are Bobby Greene is a business and family man who is Wisconsin raised. Bobby grew up in Oshkosh and worked for his family. In Downtown Neenah you will find Greene’s Pour House, a family friendly pub that is the place to be. He enjoys Neenah’s diverse shops and food choices… read more